Public Square Studio

American common space is in a state of flux. As demographics shift, technologies advance, cultural mores morph, and economies + politics churn, our cherished public spaces are becoming obsolete empty vessels of nostolgia. How can architects and urban desingers alter these spaces to accomodate the new and ever-changing character of American public space? This is the question that Kent State University's CUDC Fall 2006 Graduate Studio will investigate.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

STUDIO UPDATE [12 September 2006]

The studio has been involved in information and data gathering, analysis and diagramming. The students were free to pursue any information that may inform, influence, or reflect the constitution of Public Square. How many people drive through Public Square everyday? How many people engage with the RTA Transit system via Tower City or Pulic Square? Who owns all the land surrounding Public Square? What is the current vacancy rate around the Square? Where do tourists go when they visit Downtown Cleveland? How many people live downtown? How many people live downtown? What are the professional and educational attaninment demographics of downtown residents? Many of these questions were answered or will be answered.

We will be looking at infrastructural, architectural, and technological precedents, discerning strategies and tactics, and applying the systems to Public Square in the next two weeks. As we begin testing and designing, images will be posted.


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